tisdag 29 mars 2011

Thank you, Texans!

On the behalf of all the Swedish people that visited the Mud Nationals 2011

For the second time we went overseas to be a part of worlds biggest ATV event. There has been a LOT of planning with getting to Texas and to get all pieces into place. No mather how hard and detailed the planning is there is always some issues and unplanned stuff along the way.
Thanks everyone that has supported us! It has really been appreciated and extremely helpful. We have got so much help from the Jacksonville locals, you have really show what the concept of southern hospitality means. Jon, Deenda, Alan, Jimmy and Aleta, thanks for the bbq, ice, jambalayas and all the conversations we had!

Thank you Brad, Adam, Katelyn and the rest of the guys at Broadwaypowersports in Tyler for helping us out with the ATV's and having us borrowing the truck with the trailers. This trip had been impossible without you generosity. Excellent service!

Thanks to all the people we met, the people that helped us in the mudholes and all you guys that met us with smiles and waving hands along the trails. Thanks to the HL team and the Mud Creek for arranging such an awesome event!

And thank you little 'ol lady at Smith RV Rentals in Houston  that took care of our RV that we drove to the wrong rental company ..! We were kind of stressed out at the time and forgot to give you the tip you deserved.

You can find some of our pictures from the trip here . Also check out the youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/atvstockholm we will post the movies there!

See you all next year! Thanks!

1 kommentar:

  1. Kan bara applådera... Bra jobbat gubbs! Kul att ni sätter ATV Sthlm på världskartan!
